Hidup Seperti Semilir Angin, Menyejukkan Meski Hanya Sesaat

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Ordo Scitamineae (Zingiberales)
  • Benang sari fertil 1 atau 5 (pada Ravenala madagascariensis 6)
  • Bunga biasanya setangkup tunggal.
  • Daun tersusun berseling atau spiral, pangkal pelepah terbuka dan jarang tertutup.
  • Bakal buah tenggelam.
  • Biji mempunyai endosperm.
  • Ordo ini terdiri dari 4 familia, yaitu Musaceae, Zingiberaceae, Cannaceae dan Marantaceae
Familia Musaceae
  • Always : robust non-aromatic herbs; leaves simple, huge, spiral, rolled up lengthwise in bud, the leaf bases forming a fleshy pseudotrunk; 5 stamens, 1 staminode; ovary inferior, 3-locular.
  • Usually/often : flowers mostly unisexual; fruit a many-seeded berry oe fleshy capsule.
  • Different from Sterlitziaceae : leaves not in two rows. Different from Zingiberaceae : non aromatic, 5 stamens.
  • Distribution and ecology : Distributed widely in tropical regions, some species are cultivated.
  • The family only has few genera and approximately 150 species such as Musa (± 80 spp.) and Phenakospermum.
Familia Cannaceae
  • Always : erect, rhizomatous herbs; leaves simple, spiral, entire; petioles sheathing; flowers bisexual; perianth in 2 rows of 3, free; 5 petaloid staminodes, and one with a 1-locular anther; ovary inferior, 3-locular, ovules many.
  • Different from Zingiberaceae : not aromatic, perianth free, anther l-locular.
  • Distribution and ecology : Some species are widespread through cultivation.
  • The family only consists of monotypic genus Canna with 30 - 60 species.

Familia Zingiberaceae
  • Always :aromatic herbs,; leaves simple, with a ligule and sheathing petiole,; flowers zygomorphic, 3-merous, calyx tubular, fertile stamen 1, anther 2-locular; labellum and petaloid lateral staminodes (staminodes reduced in Alpinieae, fused to margin of labellum in Zingiber); ovary inferior.  
  • Usually/often : terrestrial plants with underground rootstock, petioles forming a pseudostem; flowers in dense capitate inflorescence on a separate peduncle; ovary 3-locular with several ovules per cell.
  • Different from Orchidaceae : leaves ligulate; flowers not resupinate, stamen and style not forming a column, pollen not in waxy masses (pollinia).
Familia Zingiberaceae (continued)
  • Distribution and ecology : Distributed widely in tropical and subtropical regions. Can be found in lowland rain forest, montane rain forest, forest floor, forest edges, etc.
  • The family has 47 genera with ± 1400 species such as Alpinia (± 225 spp.), Globba (± 100 spp.), Amonium (± 90 spp.), Zingiber (± 80 spp.), Renealmia (± 70 spp.), Curcuma (± 54 spp.), Bosenbergia (± 50 spp.), Hedychium (± 50 spp.), etc.
  • Bunga biasanya tidak beraturan, berkelamin ganda, bakal buah tenggelam dengan 3 daun buah, benang sari melekat sebagian atau seluruhnya pada tangkai putik, biji kecil sangat banyak dengan embryo yang tidak terdiferensiasi, tanpa endosperm atau sangat sedikit jika ada.
  • Ordo ini memiliki 2 familia, yaitu: Orchidaceae dan Burmanniaceae.
Familia Orchidaceae
  • Always : sympodial or monopodial herbs, leaves simple; flowers perfect, zygomorphic, 3-merous (seemingly 5-merous in some genera with connate lateral sepals); stamen adnate to the pistill, forming a compund structure (column); pollen coherent in small waxy or granular bodies of definite shape and size (pollinia), rarely gel- or powder-like; ovary inferior; seeds numerous, minute, lacking endopserm.
  • Usually/often : epihytes, leaves leathery, stem green, very fleshy or bulbously swollen (pseudobulb), roots with a layer of water-absorbing dead cells, often white when dey (velamen); flowers resupinate, median petal (lip/labellum) very different in shape, size, and/or coloration from lateral petals; fertile stamen 1, rarely 2 or 3; fruit a dry capsule splitting lengthways, with dust-like seed.
Familia Orchidaceae(continued)
  • Distribution and ecology : The family is cosmopolitan, mainly tropical, epiphytes or terrestrial. The largely genera which grow in temperate and arctic moslty terrestrial.
  • The family has 450 genera and 10.000 - 15.000 species such as Vanda, Paphiopedalum, Phalaenopsis, Cattleya, Cymbidium, Laelia, Odontaglossum,Dendrobium, Coelogyne, Epidendrum and Vanilia.



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