Hidup Seperti Semilir Angin, Menyejukkan Meski Hanya Sesaat

Friday, October 19, 2012

Materi kuliah_Monokotil


§Tumbuhan berkayu atau umumnya herba (terna);
§Batang memiliki berkas pengangkut yang tersebar merata dan tidak tersusun dalam silinder tunggal (yakni tidak tampak seperti cincin pada irisan melintang);
§Daun biasanya bertulang sejajar, bagian tepi hampir selalu rata;
§Bunga terdiri dari 3 bagian (trimer) atau kelipatan 3;
§Biji memiliki embryo dengan satu kotiledon.
§Terdapat perkecualian terhadap sifat-sifat ini, tetapi umumnya sulit ditemukan penyimpangan lebih dari satu sifat dan secara umum sifat-sifat tersebut merupakan sifat khas monokotil.

§Para ahli taksonomi berbeda pendapat dalam menetapkan klasifikasi Monocotyledoneae.
§Bessey membagi kelompok ini menjadi 8 ordo, Engler dan Diels membaginya menjadi 11 ordo dan 45 familia, sedang Hutchinson membaginya menjadi 26 ordo dan 68 familia.

§Daun berbentuk garis, bunga berkelamin tunggal, berumah satu atau dua
§Perhiasan bunga berupa bulu-bulu atau sisik-sisik kering, alat kelamin betina memiliki 1 putik, bakal biji memiliki 1 - banyak daun buah, benang sari 1 - banyak;
§Buah keras (drupa/nutlike); biji mempunyai endosperm.
§Ordo ini beranggotakan 3 familia, yaitu: Typhaceae, Pandanaceae dan Sparganiaceae

nFamilia Pandanaceae
§Always : leaves simple, linear, exstipulate; plant dioecious, flowers minute, devoid of perianth, in compact spikes and sometimes covered by bracts; stamens numerous; fruit syncarp.
§Usually/often : woody; leaves three-ranked, spiny, M-shaped; stilt roots.
§Different from Arecaceae (Palmae) : leaves are not usually compound, three-ranked and spiny, flowers without perianth.
§Different from Liliaceae (Agavaceae) : leaves spiny, flowers small without perianth, in compact spikes
§The famliy consists of 4 genera : Pandanus, Freycinetia, Sararanga and Martellidendron.

§Herba berhabitat akuatik atau rawa-rawa, sering hampir seluruhnya tenggelam.
§Bagian-bagian bunga umumnya melingkar, bagian-bagian alat kelamin berlepasan. Bentuk bunga bermacam-macam, tidak ada yang khas untuk ordo ini. 
§Biji tanpa atau hampir tanpa endosperm, sifat ini merupakan karakter dasar yang membagi ordo ini dalam familia.
§Tumbuhan kebanyakan mempunyai sisik-sisik kecil (squamulae intravaginales) yang melekat pada pangkal daun. Sisik ini tidak aksiler kepada daun yang dilekatinya tetapi mungkin merupakan “alat tambahan” dari bagian bawah kulit daun di atasnya. Struktur ini juga sering dijumpai pada familia Araceae dan Lemnaceae.
§Daun buah 1 - banyak.
§Pada ujung daun terdapat hidatoda.

nFamilia Alismataceae
§Always : Rhizomatous herbs, leaves simple, on long petiole, entire, exstipulate, flowers actinomorphic, tepals 6 in two rows, ovary superior
§Usually/often : leaves crowded, laticiferous, flowers unisexual, stamens many, carpels many, seed with endosperm.
§Distribution and ecology : The family is best represented in the northern hemisphere. Saggitaria can be found in marshy places in lowland.
§The family consists of 14 genera and approximately  55-60 species such as Alisma, Caldesia, Sagittaria, Elisma, Lophotocarpus and Echinodarus.

nFamilia Butomaceae
§Always : lacticiferous herbs; leaves simple, entire, crowded, curvinerved;flowers bisexual, eactinomorphic, sepals 3, petals 3, free; ovary superior, apocarpus, seeds many.
§Different from Alismataceae : fruit contain many seeds, lacticiferous, ovary superior.
§Distribution and ecology : A small widespread family. They can be found in wet places such as sawahs.
§The family consists of 6 genera and 9 spesies, such as Butomus, Ostenia, Limnocharis, Tenagocharis, Hydrocleis dan Elattosis.

§Ordo ini disebut Glumiflorae karena bunganya mempunyai gluma, yaitu daun yang berbentuk seperti braktea untuk melindungi bunga, tidak berwarna, kering dan relatif keras. 
§Bunga kecil disebut floret, tersusun dalam spikelet.
§Perhiasan bunga tidak jelas, kadang-kadang hanya berupa bulu-bulu kasar atau tereduksi menjadi sisik-sisik kecil, braktea kaku/kering.
§Benang sari biasanya 3, kadang-kadang 6, jarang lebih, berkelamin tunggal, kadang-kadang ganda 
§Bakal buah menumpang, daun buah beruang 2-3.
§Biji bertipe padi atau kurung, endosperm melimpah, berbentuk pati.
§Ordo ini terdiri dari 2 familia, yaitu: Gramineae (Poaceae, rumput-rumputan) dan Cyperaceae (teki-tekian).

nFamilia Poaceae (Gramineae)
§Always : leaves simple, entire, consisting of an elongate sheath and a linear blade with a ligule at base; stem jointed; flowers unisexual or bisexual with perianth reduced to bristles or scales, each subtended by a pair of bracts (lemma and palea)
§Usually/often : stems hollow, leaves two ranked, fruit an achene
§Different from Cyperaceae : stem jointed, moslty hollow, ligule present, leaves are not three rangked
§Distribution and ecology : cosmopolitan, in Malesian region approximately 150 genera. They are best represented in many open places, from sea level to alpine zone. Many species are also weedy.   

nOrder: Poales
      Family: Poaceae (Gramineae)
      Family: Poaceae (Gramineae)
§Roots are always fibrous.  Perennial grasses may have rhizomes.
§Leaves are parallel-veined.  Sheath, ligulle, blade
§Flowers (florets) are always clustered into spiklets.
§Familia ini adalah terbesar dan tersebar luas sehingga merupakan vegetasi klimaks pada curah hujan yang sedikit seperti pada padang-padang rumput di seluruh dunia. 
§Jumlahnya sekitar 450 - 525 genera yang bervariasi dari genera yang monotipe sampai yang mempunyai 200 atau lebih anggota, misalnya Panicum (sekitar 800 spp.), Poa (sekitar 200 spp.), Paspalum (sekitar 300 spp.) dan Andropogon (sekitar 200 spp.).

nFamilia Cyperaceae
§Always : grass-like herbs; culms (stems) solid and not jointed; flowers subtended by bract (glume), arranged in spikelets.
§Usually/often : stems trigonous, leaves 3-ranked, base of leaf sheathing; perianth consisting of bristles or scales, sometimes absent, spikelets arranged into panicles, stamens 3; ovary solitary, superior, 1-locular, 1 ovule; stigmas 2 or 3, fruit a triangular nut (sometimes reduced)
§Different from Poaceae : stems solid and not jointed, ligule and lodicule absent, leaves three rangked, each flower subtended by 1 bract (glume). 
§Distribution and ecology : the family is cosmopolitan, mostly in open places, often montane, some species in rain forest.
§Menurut Engler, familia ini meliputi 72 genera, sedang menurut Hutchinson 83 genera, dengan hampir 3200 spesies dengan genera-genera yang mempunyai lebih dari 100 spesies. Misalnya: Carex (sekitar 1100 spp.), Cyperus (sekitar 700 spp.), Scirpus (sekitar 200 spp.), Fimbristylis (sekitar 125 spp.), Rhynchospora (sekitar 200 spp.), Eleochris (sekitar 150 spp.), Scleria (sekitar 100 spp.).

§Tumbuhan berkayu (palm).
§Bunga trimer, kecil, kebanyakan tongkol majemuk, terdiri dari rachilla tunggal atau bercabang, karangan bunga kebanyakan ditutupi seludang bunga besar 1 atau lebih (pada waktu kuncup); bakal buah menumpang, daun buah 3, bakal biji 3 atau lebih namun biasanya hanya 1 yang berkembang.
§Buah berry atau batu.
§Biji mempunyai endosperm.
§Ordo ini hanya mempunyai satu familia, yaitu: Arecaceae (Palmae).

nFamilia Arecaceae (Palmae)
§Always : woody trees or shrubs or lianas; leaves plicate in bud, exstipulate, petiole sheathing (sheath sometimes open); inflorescence covered by large woody bract (spatha/cymba); flowers actinomorphic; ovary superior, 1 ovule per cell.
§Usually/often : stem unbranched; leaves spirally aranged, variously dissected (palmate or pinnate); flowers unisexual, 3-merous; stamens 6, ovary 3-locular; fruit a 1-seeded drupe.
§Different from Pandanaceae : leaves are not simple, not spiny, not three-ranked; flowers with perianth.
§Different from Cycadaceae : not resinous, inflorescences are not unisexual terminal strobilus.
§Distribution and ecology : the family is widespread, largely tropical and subtropical. They can be found in lowland rain forest, lower montane rain forest, lowland swampy forest, coast/beach and some spesies also often planted. The most popular tropical species is Cocos nucifera (coconut).
§The family consists of approximately 210 genera and more than 4000 species. 

§Kebanyakan herba atau tumbuhan memanjat, bunga kecil, sangat tereduksi, pada tongkol menggembung yang didukung oleh sebuah seludang herbaceus dan besar, perhiasan bunga tidak ada atau sangat tereduksi (tidak petaloid), bakal buah biasanya menumpang, buah berry.
§Ordo ini meliputi familia Araceae dan Lemnaceae

nFamilia Araceae
§Always : herbaceous; leaves alternate or spiral, simple but sometimes deeply lobed. Inflorescence a fleshy spadix covered by spathe, individual flowers small and sessile.
§Usualy/often : rhizomatous or tuberous stem or climbing; leaves hastate, irritating sap; spadix consisting barren top, male flowers in the middle and female flowers at base.
§Different from Zingiberaceae : non aromatic, inflorescence covered by a spathe, individual flowers small.

nFamilia Araceae (continued)
§Distribution and ecology : the family widespread, mainly tropical and sub tropical such as lowland rainforest, moonsoon forest, wet places in forest, along streams,, etc.
§The family consist of 105 genera (in Malesia 35 genera) and 1400 - 1500 spp, such as Anthurium (± 500 spp.), Homalomena (± 80 spp.), Philodendron (± 200 spp.), Arisaema (± 60 spp.). 
§Notes : Pollination mainly by beetles and flies, fruits of several species eaten by birds.

§Bakal buah majemuk, menumpang. Endosperm seperti pati.
§Ordo ini disebut Farinosae sebab endosperm seperti pati atau disebut Enanthioblastac sebab embryo terletak di depan chalaza. 
§Ordo Farinosae memiliki sekitar 13 familia, antara lain: Flagellariaceae, Restionaceae, Centrolepidaceae, Thurniaceae, Rapataceae, Cyanastraceae, Philydraceae, Mayaceae, Xyridaceae, Eriocaulaceae, Bromeliaceae, Commelinaceae dan Pontederiaceae.

nFamilia Bromeliaceae
§Herbs or epiphytic. Leaves alternate, simple, sharply serrate, parallel venation, sheathing at base, stipules lacking.
§Inflorescence terminal, indeterminate. 
§Flowers usually bisexual. Perianth differentiated into a calyx and corolla. Flowers 3-merous.
§Fruit a septicidal capsule or berry.
§Distribution and ecology : tropical to warm temperate regions. An important group of epiphytes of moist montane forest, also occuring in xerophytic habitats.

nFamilia Commelinaceae
§Always : herbs; leaves simple, spiral, entire, sheathing at base,; inflorescence cymose,; ovary superior; fruit a few-seeded capsule.
§Usually/often : creeping stem, flowers actinomorphic, stamens 6, filaments hairy.
§Different from Poaceae (Gramineae) : leaves have no ligule; no bristles and scales on perianth.   
§Distribution and ecology : the family worldwide. In Malesia 10 native genera and several species naturalized. Can be found in wet places, forest floor, etc. 
§The family consists of 37 genera and approximately 600 species, such as Aneilema (70 spp.), Murdannia (50 spp.), Cyanotis (50 spp.), Tradescantia (34 spp.), Commelina (8-9 spp.), Tripogandra (3 spp.), Tinantia, Rhoeo, Callisia and Zebrina

nFamilia Pontederiaceae
§Always : herbs of freshwater; leaves simple, curvinerved, leaf base sheathing; flowers bisexual, 3-merous, ovary superior, 3-celled.
§Usually : leaves hastate
§Different from Butomaceae : not laticiferous, leaf base sheathing 
§Distribution and ecology : the family mostly in America. In Malesia only Monocharia native, Eichornia introduced and naturalized. Can be found in freshwater, some genera can grow in temperate regions.
§The family consists of 6 - 7 genera and approximately 28 species such as  Monochoria, Heterkepala sari, Eichornia, Zosterella, Pontederia, Hydrothrix  and Reussia.

§Bunga trimer.
§Perhiasan bunga 2 lingkaran, biasanya tidak terdiferensiasi menjadi kelopak dan mahkota (homochlamydeus).
§Benang sari 3 - 6.
§Bakal buah majemuk dan daun buah 3 (jarang 2).
§Biji dengan endosperm.
§Habitus bermacam-macam, jarang tumbuhan air.
§Ordo ini terdiri dari 8 familia, yaitu : Juncaceae, Velloziaceae, Taccaceae, Stemonaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Haemodoraceae, Liliaceae, Iridaceae dan Amaryllidaceae

nFamilia Liliaceae
§Always : herbs, with rhizomes or bulbs; leaves simple, entire, exstipulate; flowers 3-merous, tepals in 2 rows of 3; stamens 6; ovary superior.
§Usually/often : leaves linear, with parallel venation; inflorescence racemose; flowers bisexual, actinomorphic; fruit a capsule, with flat seeds.
§Different from Amaryllidaceae : ovary superior
§Distribution and ecology : the family is cosmpolitan and world wide. Can be found in open places, limestones, lowland, mountains, etc., sometimes cultivated.
§The family consists of ± 240 genera and ± 4000 species such as Asparagus, Aloe, Sanseviera, Smilax, Scilla, Tulipa,  Lilium  and Trilium.

nFamilia Amaryllidaceae
§Always : herbs with bulbs or rhizomes; leaves simple, crowded, entire, exstipulate, nerves parallel; flowers bisexual, 3-merous, tepals in 2 rows of 3, ovary inferior. 
§Usually/often : inflorescence compound umbelliform; stamens 6, free, fruit a 3-locular fleshy capsule.
§Different from Liliaceae : ovary inferior. Different from Iridaceae : leaves not distchious.
§Distribution and ecology : The family worldwide. Can be found in lowland rain forest, secondary forest, some in monsoonal forest. 
§The Family consists of many genera and species (in Malesia 18 genera, of which only 5 genera with native species) such as Allium, Hippeastrum, Crinum, Hymenocallis, Zephyranthes, Aletris, Amaryllis and Bomarea.

nFamilia Iridaceae
§Always : herbs; leaves simple, distchious, parallel nerves; flowers bisexual, tepals in 2 rows of 3; stamens 3, opposite outer tepals; ovary inferior, 3-celled; fruit a capsule.
§Usually/often : bulbs or rhizomes present, flowers slightly zygomorphic.
§Different from Amaryllidaceae : leaves not spiral but distchious
§Distribution and ecology : the family cosmopolitan and worldwide, except in cold region
§The family consists of 58 genera and ± 1500 species such as Iris, Tigridia, Crocus, Cladiolus, Belamcanda and Freesia.



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